Luja Šimunović
Luja Šimunović diplomirala je povijest umjetnosti i komparativnu književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Radi kao nezavisna kustosica i asistentica na Odsjeku za povijest umjetnosti FFZG.
Kao nezavisna kustosica aktivna je na kulturnoj sceni od 2015. otkada djeluje u organizaciji posvećenoj presjeku znanosti i umjetnosti, KONTEJNER, gdje do 2021. djeluje kao kustosica i projektna menadžerica umjetničkih i edukativnih programa. Urednica je publikacije koja istražuje teorijske i praktične implikacije prikupljanja, digitalizacije i arhiviranja bio-arta, izdane 2022. godine povodom europskog projekta Archive. Od 2016. dio je tima Organ Vida gdje djeluje kao koordinatorica izložbi i kustosica, do 2019. kada postaje dio kustoskog kolektiva organizacije i festivala do 2021.
Nezavisnu organizaciju i kustoski kolektiv KUĆĆA osniva 2021. godine s Juricom Mlinarecom i Klarom Petrović. S kolektivom je kurirala 36. salon mladih (HDLU, 2022.) na temu PARAZITI te vode eksperimentalni rezidencijalni projekt DNEVNA SOBA.
Dobitnica je Posebne Rektorove nagrade za sudjelovanje na Wikipedia projektu, nagrade Franjo Marković Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu za osnivanje kulturnog portala Kulturflux te Nagrade Iso Kršnjavi za najbolji diplomski rad Odsjeka povijesti umjetnosti. Surađivala je s kulturnim portalima (Vizkultura, Muf), a objavljena je i u INSAM Journal, Hrvatskom filmskom ljetopisu i &&&Journal.
Luja Šimunovic is an independent curator and a teaching/research assistant at the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, Croatia. She holds an MA in Art History and Comparative Literature (Faculty of Humanities, Zagreb).
She has been active on the independent cultural scene since 2015, namely in an organization dedicated to the intersection of science and art, KONTEJNER, where she has worked as a curator and project manager of art and educational programs until 2021. She is the editor of three festival catalogues that include curatorial and theoretical texts and she was also the co-curator of the festival Extravagant Bodies (2019) and Touch Me (2020). She initiated and led the educational project Short Circuit (2018-2020), which networks students of the Academy of Arts and students of natural sciences and humanities, including students of the Department of Art History of the Faculty of Humanities. Until 2021 she has been part of the Organ Vida team where she has worked as an exhibition coordinator and curator, becoming part of the curatorial collective of the organization and festival.
She founded the independent organization and curatorial collective KUĆĆA in 2021 with Jurica Mlinarec and Klara Petrović. Together with the collective, she curated the 36th Youth Salon (HDLU, 2022) on the theme of PARASITES, as well as launching the experimental residential project LIVING ROOM.
She has been awarded the Franjo Marković Award of the Faculty of Humanities in Zagreb for founding the cultural portal Kulturflux and the Iso Kršnjavi Award for the best diploma thesis of the Department of Art History. She has collaborated with cultural portals (Vizkultura, Muf), and has been published in the INSAM Journal, the Croatian Film Chronicle ans &&&Journal.